DiDaXo - Next Gen Learning Toolbox and Facilities

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Gasten hebben toegang tot sommige cursussen

Is dit de eerste keer dat je hier bent?

Dear customer, 

Not yet registered?

You'll need to take a minute to create a new account for yourself on this web site.

Once registered, open calendar courses may also require specific course per course enrolment procedure including management approval and purchase order validation.

Here are the steps for account creation and enrolment procedures. Enjoy your learning experience with DiDaXo.

Create your account 

  1. Fill in  "New Account" form with your details (Some are mandatory) 
  2. Validate by clicking confirmation web link sent by mail

Book Courses 

  1. Select course you want to participate in (on front page) and click 'Booking' link.
  2. Select session (if multi sessions are planned) you want to book .
  3. Click 'Sign-Up' link (If not yet logged, log with 'Continue' button).
  4. Approval request will be sent by mail to your manager
  5. After approval, you may access the full blended course.

From now, you will only need to enter username (or mail address) and password in login box.
See you later in our classroom.